Sunday, March 6, 2011

Summer Time

While working on some equine art i had to take a break and go somewhere warm!  So i created a sunny day by the pool where the sun warms your back and the water beckons your company.  Oh how i wish i was there in this painting at the moment.  Basking in the heat of day and letting my mind go lazy.  An artist creates and lets the viewer know that there is more to the story, that there are more pages to be turned.  My hope is that I'm taking you there at this moment.  This moment in which your mind wonders off to create your own sunny day, your own summer time!

Summer Time
watercolor on cold press
9 x 12
print $20


  1. Girl I really like this one! I believe that you catch something alive when you paint the body in water color. I can feel the weight of her body but the lightness of the mood. Keep it up!

  2. This is a terrific painting! And I love that it's a watercolor, of course I'm a bit biased:) I've been to Fayetteville, AK, we visited the AFB for a friends change of command. I was really impressed with Little Rock and the Bill Clinton Library, they also have a nice art scene.
