Monday, December 13, 2010

Cake Anyone? CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY!!!! See entry instructions below!

Lets be serious here, i am not sure how courteous or patient this great dane would react sitting by a luscious cake like this, thankfully here in my painting he has good behavior!  This is an oil on panel with dimensions of 8in x 10in and today instead of selling this painting i am giving it away!  Yes, you read the following sentence right.  I am a new blogger so i am going to periodically be giving a small work of mine away in hopes to draw more viewers to my site.  Whether you are a friend, art observer, or buyer i want you to come visit and see what I'm up to in my studio.

please follow instructions:

To enter is simple!  You can enter in two steps, but please don't enter more than once!!! Lets play fair!
1. Follow my blog  (there is no spam that comes with following.......all that will happen is you will enter your email address.....and when i update my blog(add a new post) you will get an email letting you know i have a new painting up!

2.  Comment, comment, comment!!!!  Let me know why you enjoy this painting!

When you subscribe your email address will go into a pool where i will at random choose a winner!!!

Winner will be chosen on Christmas Eve!!!!!!

OK, Good luck to all!  If you have any questions or would just like to send me your email address to add to the pool, that will be fine!!

Happy Monday!!!!


  1. if he was a brindle he'd look just like our Snickers! awesome painting eve!
    -Jrod & Tina

  2. This is adorable!! Thank you for sharing! I'm looking forward to keeping up with your blog. :)

  3. Thanks everyone! Remember to share the giveaway with your friends!!! There is also a subscribe by email link below the post a comment that you can use!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Eve.... my daughter would love this precious puppy. Gotta have that cutie!!! Merry Christmas to all!!
